Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Global Place for Students (GPS)

Before I get into the lives of my Aussie housemates, I figured I should explain why I have ended up living in a house of Australians. 

During my study abroad programs to Turkey and Sweden, I lived in international student accommodations run by third-party companies. I had a great experience with these accommodations as they provided for needs that typically are not met by regular accommodations (i.e. fully furnished, cooking utensils, bedding, etc) and provided a community similar to me (international students).

Housemates in Sweden
Housemates in Turkey  
Returning to Bozeman, I soon realized that the accommodation options available for international students were limited. They either could live in the dorms or try to find an accommodation by themselves off-campus. 

Many students would prefer to live off campus as it gives them a more authentic experience, the ability to cook, their own room, and an opportunity to live with people closer to their age (many exchange students are upperclassmen). However, seeing that they are only here short-term they are unable to sign long-term leases, provide the required documentation, and purchase furniture. 

Many international students live in Johnstone Dorms
Realizing these consumer needs and reflecting on my own international experiences, my family decided to purchase a house near campus that we could use as an international student house, called Global Place for Students (GPS).

Our GPS House
We met the needs for international students by providing fully-furnished house with short-term leases with a website that they could check out before they arrived in Bozeman. We also made our leases more international student friendly and required less paperwork than most US leases. Through these benefits, we were able to charge a premium rent for our rooms. We are now on our third semester of GPS and we always have our rooms filled and have a waiting list.

GPS Online Application Process
This whole experience has taught me the importance of customer niches and how by focusing on a niche, you can know your consumers better and be able to identify their needs. Similarly, it has also been a learning experience for me on how you are able to create value for a customer and build a company with a positive reputation.

A few of our first GPS renters
With all that said, I am now the house manager and fellow housemate with our current residents -- the Aussies.

Check into the blog later this week, as I start introducing my housemates and their experiences a consumers of the American life.

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