Thursday, November 5, 2015

Peanut Butter and What?

I love a good ol' PB&J sandwich. I am one of those Americans that keeps an extra-large sized peanut butter in my cupboard and always remembers to pack a small size jar to go with me whenever I travel. There is just a comforting taste to peanut butter that I just cannot describe and cannot go longer than a few days without.

Jar of my beloved peanut butter
If you are American, you are quite possibly nodding your head with me or even sneaking off to your cupboard to grab a spoonful of peanut butter. Or, quite possibly, I've caught you with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in your hand. Whatever the case, Americans adore peanut butter. (If you are American and do not like peanut butter, I suggest you look at other countries for citizenship).
Now, my fellow PB&J lovers, please do not be alarmed when I tell you this but: peanut butter is not as loved outside the borders of our country.

I have been questioned several times by people all over the globe about my questionable sandwich containing peanut butter and jelly. People have gone as far to tell me that the combination sounds gross or to say that they've tried it and hated it.

International reactions to peanut butter 
That said, through my travels and my international housemates, I have discovered that these poor countries without peanut butter have their own cultural sandwich spreads.

In my house, my poor jar of peanut butter is outnumbered by my Australian housemates' vegemite jars. In case you have not had the "pleasure" of trying vegemite, it tastes like bitter soy sauce. Australians love the stuff though and put it on everything.

Personally I do not care for vegemite in the slightest. In case you do not believe me, Buzzfeed recently had American kids try vegemite to test their reactions:

I guess they didn't like it too!  

What fascinates about peanut butter and vegemite is that they are products that are so loved by one culture but then completely hated by most other cultures. It makes me wonder what causes this nation-wide consumer behavior towards a particular product. 

Vegemite advertisement

Personally, my mom loves peanut butter so I was raised with a peanut butter sandwich in my lunch box most days for school. I believe that being raised with peanut butter all my life has helped me acquire a taste for it and also associate it to my mother and being home. 

A mother grocery shopping
According to an article in the Daily Mail, consumers tend to stick to brands / products that their mothers use to buy. Therefore, it is quite possible, that both Australia and America can blame our obsession with these products on our mothers. 

What Do You Think: Why do Americans / Australians love peanut butter or vegemite? Have you ever tried vegemite and what did you think about it? 

P.S. Happy Peanut Butter Month, dear blog friends! 

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